-Has spent over 80,000 hours creating 2,000 paintings, drawings, sculptures, etchings, mixed media and furniture
-Have over 1200 pieces
included in hundreds of private and public collections on five continents.
-Successfully completed dozens of commissions for paintings, portraits, murals, furniture, and etchings.
-In February, 2011, James was co-winner of the 2011 Willian D Kerns Award for the Visual Arts from the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts.
- In June, 2024, James received the Legacy Award at the 10th Annual Art on the Llano Estacado", group exhibition at, The Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Creator of "The Anti-Stylist's Manifesto" in 2002
- 2020 Interview with James W Johnson and James Cobb on Glasstire
- A 2022 article from the Lubbock Cultural Arts Foundation on James W Johnson
- Some paintings are available at Broadway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery
- featured on the cover
and in the November, 1998 issue of NEW AMERICAN PAINTINGS, a bi-monthly publication that showcased
46 artists from the Western States that were chosen by Charlotta Kotik,
Curator of Contemporary Art at the Brooklyn Museum |
-Have participated
in over 200 exhibitions and competitions including the following:
"Gazing Into Infinity", group exhibition at
"Membership Show ", group exhibition, LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"Au Naturel" ", group exhibition, Royal Nebeker Gallery, Clatsop Community College, Astoria, OR
"Fan of a Fan", 44 Contemporary Texas Artists, Space C7, San Antonio, TX
"12 New Paintings", solo exhibition, Broadway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Lubbock, TX
"10th Annual Art on the Llano Estacado", featured as the Legacy Award Winner, group exhibition, The Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
"James W Johnson", featured artist Aug. - Sept., and in group show "Nude November" at Rock-Paper-Shears, Lubbock, TX
"Still Painting", solo exhibition in March, Charles Adams Gallery, Lubbock, TX
"The 5x7 Show ", group exhibition, Broadway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Lubbock, TX
"The $@#1 Show", group exhibition, 5th and J Gallery in CASP at LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"The Flower Show", group exhibition, 5th and J Gallery in CASP at LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"Prickly Perspectives", group exhibition, Broadway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Lubbock, TX
"9th Annual Art on the Llano Estacado", group exhibition and sale, The Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
"James W Johnson and Sophia Villalobos", featured artists, Rock-Paper-Shears, Lubbock, TX
"The Eclectic Majectic", group exhibition at
"Celebracion", group exhibition, Buddy Holly Center, Lubbock, TX
"Membership Show ", group exhibition, Broadway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Lubbock, TX
"Art NOW", group exhibition, Brassworks Gallery, Portland, OR
"Membership Show ", group exhibition, LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"Membership Show ", group exhibition, Broadway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Lubbock, TX
"Nude November ", group exhibition, Rock-Paper-Shears, Lubbock, TX
"Dia de los Muertos", group exhibition, Texas Tech University Office of International Affairs
"Celebracion", group exhibition, Buddy Holly Center, Lubbock, TX
"25th Anniversary Exhibition", group exhibition, LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"12 Selected Paintings ", featured artist, Grey Edges Gallery, Lubbock, TX
"8 Portraits", featured artist, Therese Barrett Fine Art Photography, Lubbock, TX
"8th Annual Art on the Llano Estacado", group exhibition and sale, The Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
"14 NUDES", featured artist, Rock-Paper-Shears, Lubbock, TX
"11 NUDES and one not ", featured artist, Rock-Paper-Shears, Lubbock, TX
"Art on the Llano Estacado", group exhibition and sale, The Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
"Dia de los Muertos", group exhibition, Texas Tech University Office of International Affairs
"Portraits: Impressions of Our Times", group exhibition, , LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"James W Johnson", gallery participant, Broadway Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Lubbock, TX
"An Open Door", 2 person show, C7 (Gallery), Southside Living and Maker Spaces- San Antonio, TX
"Membership Show " , group exhibition, , LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"Floral Interpretations" , solo exhibition, , LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"Art on the Llano Estacado", group exhibition and sale, The Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
"CASPFEST", competition, Charles Adams Studio Project , Lubbock, TX, - Juror: Christina Rees of Glasstire
"Dia de los Muertos", group exhibition, Texas Tech University Office of International Affairs
"Membership Show " , group exhibition, , LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"44 Texas Artists - Part 2", group exhibition, LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"Rear Window", group exhibition, Lovetts Gallery, Tulsa OK
"Patent Pending", group exhibition, Contemporary Art Museum Plainview, Plainview, TX
"CLUE", group exhibition, Lovetts Gallery, Tulsa OK
"Nude Night", group exhibition, Tampa, FL
"The Nature of.. ", group exhibition, Lovetts Gallery, Tulsa OK
"Factured Reality", 4 person exhibition, Laredo Community College, Laredo, TX
"Art on the Llano Estacado", group exhibition and sale, The Museum of Texas Tech University
"LHUCA 20th Anniversary", group exhibiton, LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"The LOVE Show", group, exhibition, Splendora Gardens, Cleveland, TX
"Art on the Llano Estacado", group exhibition and sale, The Museum of Texas Tech University
"RED", group exhibition, Lovetts Gallery, Tulsa OK
"Mirror, Mirror", group exhibition, Lovetts Gallery, Tulsa OK
"The Good, The Bad, and The WTF?!", group exhibition, Lovetts Gallery, Tulsa OK
"New Directions", 2 person exhibition at LHUCA in Lubbock,TX
Finalist for the "2016 Hunting Art Prize", competition, Houston, TX. Jurors:
---Catherine Behrend, Former Deputy of the New York City Public Art Program, who now serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor
---- at New York University's School of Professional Studies diploma program
---Alex Gregory, Curator of Art at the Amarillo Museum of Art
---Alexander Rich, Assistant Professor of Art History at Florida Southern College and Director of the Melvin and Burks Art Galleries
"Art on the Llano Estacado", group exhibition and sale, The Museum of Texas Tech University
"The Cauldron ", group exhibition, Lovetts Gallery, Tulsa, OK
"Ulterior Motifs", group exhibition, Arlington Museum of Art, Arlington, TX
"Ulterior Motifs", group exhibition, Splendora Gardens, Cleveland, TX
"Art on the Llano Estacado", group exhibition and sale, The Museum of Texas Tech University
"The Birds", group exhibition, Lovetts Gallery, Tulsa, OK
"Patent Pending", group exhibition, LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
"Assistance League® Houston Celebrates Texas Art 2014", competition, juror: Rock Hushka, curator, Tacoma Art Museum
"Vernal Beauty",feature exhibition, Lovetts Gallery, Tulsa, OK
Finalist for the "2014 Hunting Art Prize", competition, Houston, TX. Jurors:
- - Marie Bosarge, Art Collector and Founder of Music Doing Good, Inc., a nonprofit arts organization in Houston, Texas.
- - Leila Cartier, Director of Exhibitions and Curator at the William King Museum in Abingdon, Virginia.
- - Stephen Wicks, Barbara W. and Bernard E. Bernstein Curator at the Knoxville Museum of Art in Tennessee.
"Art on the Llano Estacado", group exhibition and sale, The Museum of Texas Tech University
The Johnsons - New Work", 2 person show at LHUCA in Lubbock,TX as part of the 2013 Texas Biennial
"small WORKS", 2 person exhibition, McPherson Cellars, Lubbock, TX
"Assistance League® Houston Celebrates Texas Art 2012", competition, juror: Robin Clark
"Attention to Detail", 2 person exhibition, Hahn Ross Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
"Dog Park ", group show, G Gallery, Houston, TX
The Johnsons", 2 person show, Charles Adams Gallery, Lubbock, TX
"Oswego Art Alums", group exhibition, Tyler Art Gallery, SUNY Oswego
"Assistance League® Houston Celebrates Texas Art 2011", competition, juror: Heather Pesanti
"The Johnsons", 2 person show, G Gallery, Houston, TX
"Instinct", Group Exhibition, Mary Tomas Studio Gallery, Dallas, TX
"Familiar", 2 person exhibition, Lovetts Gallery, Tulsa OK
"Handmade in the USA", 2 person exhibition, Art on Texas Avenue Gallery, Lubbock, TX (Dec-Jan.)
"Thirty Arty Years", solo retrospective exhibition at LHUCA in Lubbock
“The 2nd Annual Circus Show & Other Atrocities”, group exhibition, A Bitchin’ Space, Sacramento, CA
“SK-TX”, 2 person exhibition with Erika Pochybova-Johnson at LHUCA, Lubbock, TX
Group exhibition at the Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV
"Realism", group exhibition at Bennett Galleries, in Knoxville, TN
"Out in the Mainstream", group exhibition at LHUCA in Lubbock
"Seeing Erika", solo exhibition at LHUCAin Lubbock (July-Aug.)
Motifs 6", group exhibiton, alternative space, Lubbock, TX
"The Red Dot Show",
group fund-raising exhibiton, Blue Star Art Space, San Antonio, TX
"My Bloody Valentine",
group exhibition, On Q gallery, Lubbock, TX
Art from around the world", group exhibition, Gallery
International, Baltimore, MD
"Lubbock on Top"
group exhibiton, Redbud Projects / Gallery 101, Houston, TX
"Ulterior Motifs 5",
group exhibiton, alternative space, Lubbock, TX
W Johnson", solo exhibition, Llano Estacado Center for Theatre and Arts,
Lubbock, TX
"Ulterior Motifs 4", group exhibiton, alternative space, Lubbock,
Mandalas", solo show, Forbidden Gallery, Dallas, TX
"Big Heads",
solo show, Hahn Ross Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
"Monsters Everywhere", group show, Forbidden Gallery, Dallas, TX
"Art for Art's Sake", solo show, Lemieux Galleries, New Orleans, LA - the review
"Myths, Fantasies and Flights of the Imagination", 3 person show, Mt San Jacinto
College, San Jacinto, CA
"The Dog Days of Summer", group show, Lemieux Galleries, New Orleans, LA
Corrupted", 6 person exhibition, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
"Jaddo - Johnson", 2 person exhibition, Gallery 1114, Midland, TX
"The Dog and Poemy Show", solo exhibition, Clousseau's, Lubbock, TX
"Larger than Life", solo exhibition, Hahn Ross Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
"Some More Art", solo exhibition, Alliance Gallery, Lubbock, TX
solo exhibition, the Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
"NAKED TEXAS ART, James W Johnson", solo exhibition of 80 pieces at Holy 8-Ball
Studios, 2206 E. 7th st, Austin, TX, reviewed in the AUSTIN
"The Famil;y Show", group exhibition, Lubbock Fine Arts Center, L:ubbock, TX
"James W Johnson:
recent work", gallery: untitled, Dallas, TX, reviewed
"James W Johnson and Malcolm Bucknell", 2 person show, Martin-Rathburn Gallery,
San Antonio, TX
"Texas Art International", juried competition, UTEP, El Paso, TX
"The Compact Exhibition", juried competition, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA
2 person show, Robinson Galleries, Houston,TX
"New Art of the West", group show, Eiteljorg Museum, Indianapolis, IN
"James W Johnson", solo show Godbold Cultural Center, Lubbock, TX
"Texas Art International", competition, U.T.E.P., El Paso,TX
"Southwest '96", competition, Museum of Fine Arts, Sante Fe, NM Jurors- Luis
Jimenez, Charlene Teters.
"Salon of the Included", organized this exhibition of 100
regional artists and performers in Lubbock
"James W Johnson", solo show at Godbold Cultural Center, Lubbock
"Interplay", Pablo Neruda theme group exhibition at Slover McCutcheon gallery
in Houston
"Rubber", six
person exhibition, Lawndale Art and Performance Center,Houston
"The Red Hot Show", group exhibition and auction, TFAA, Austin, TX
"The Lubbock Artists' Festival, (Salon of the Ignored)", organized and participated
in this three day exhibition in a borrowed space in Lubbock that featured over
100 area artists and 75 performers
"Female Energies", group exhibition, Martin-Rathburn Gallery, San Antonio, TX.
"December Annual", competition, Lubbock Fine Arts Center, Juror- Jeffrey Moore.
"Venus, Cupid,
Time and Folly", solo, Martin-Rathburn Gallery, San Antonio, TX
"Gallery Artists", group exhibition, Robinson Galleries, Houston, TX
"Membership Show", group exhibition, Dallas Visual Art Center
"December Competition", Lubbock Fine Art Center, Juror- Pat McCracken
"Lubbock People",
solo exhibition, Robinson Galleries, Houston, TX
"Feast Your Eyes", group exhibition, Sherry Frumkin Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
"Imaginary Borders", group exhibition, Gallery at the Rep, Sante FE, NM
"Blue Star Barn Party", 3 person fund-raising installation, San Antonio, TX
"The Amarillo Competition", Amarillo Art Museum, TX, Juror- Jim Edwards
"The Food Show", competition, Redding Art Museum, Redding, CA Juror- David Gilhooly *cash award.
"War on the Homefront", 2person show, Rodman's Gallery ,Lubbock, TX
"Iconoclasms", group exhibition, Glassell School of Art, Houston, TX
"New Texas Artists", Cheney Cowles Museum, Spokane, WA
and the Boise Art Museum, Boise, Idaho
"James W Johnson", solo exhibition, Southwest Texas State, San Marcos, TX
"The Censorship Show", group show of artists who have been censored,
Stout-McCourt Gallery, Dallas, TX
"North Dakota Annual", competition, UND, Grand Forks, ND Juror- W. Wayne Kimball
"Critic's Choice", competition, Dallas Visual Arts Center, Jurors- Howard Taylor,
Betty Moody, Peter Miers.
"Scene and Unseen", competition, ENMU, Portales, NM, Jurors- art faculty
"Cures for
a Healthy World", solo exhibition, Robinson Galleries, Houston, TX
"Membership Exhibition", Texas Sculpture Association, Trammel Crow Center, Dallas,
"TVAA Citation Exhibition", competition, Cityplace, Dallas TX Jurors- Jim Edwards,
Susan Freudenheim
"Southwest '91", competition, The Museum of Arts, Santa Fe, NM Juror- Henry
group exhibition, Square House Museum, Panhandle, TX, toured for two and a half
"Stories from the Storm Cellar", collaborative exhibition of artists and
musicians, Lubbock Fine Arts Center.
"Charlotte National", competition, Spirit Square Center for the Arts, Charlotte,
NC Juror- Ned Rifkin
"National Works on Paper", competition, University Museum, University of Miss.
Juror- Warrington Colescott
"TSA Excellence 90", competition, Plaza of the Americas, Dallas, TX, Jurors-
Tom Livesay, Mark Alexander, Joan Livingstone
Narrative Painters of the Southwest", group exhibition, San Antonio Museum of
Art, San Antonio,
"Gallery Artists", group exhibition, Robinson Galleries, Houston, TX
"Southwestern Regional", competition, NMJC, Hobbs, NM Jurors- Sara Waters, James
for the Damned", 3 person exhibition, Blue Star Art Space, San Antonio, TX
"Adults Only", group exhibition, Edge Gallery, Fullerton, CA
"Introductions", solo exhibition, Robinson Galleries, Houston, TX
"Black and White" and "The Wood Show", group exhibitions, AIR Gallery, Austin.
"Refused", group exhibition, Diverse Works, Houston, TX
"3rd International Shoebox Sculpture Show", competition, University of Hawaii,
Honolulu, Jurors- James Surls, Lili Dujourie, Javier Martinez
"True Wit",
group exhibition, Cullen Center, Houston, TX
"The TV Show", 2 person exhibition, ArtsPlace, Oklahoma City, OK
"Aberration", 2 person exhibition, Lubbock Fine Arts Center
"The Amarillo Competition", Amarillo Art Center, Amarillo, TX Juror- Henry Hopkins
"The December Annual", competition, Lubbock Fine Arts Center, Juror- Marti Mayo
"James Johnson
and Doug Sutherland", 2 person exhibition, Edge Gallery, Fullerton, CA
"The Tough Show", group exhibition, AIR Gallery, Austin, TX
"The Tallahassee National", competition, FSU, Tallahassee, FL Juror- Terry Allen
"Texas Annual '86", competition, Laguna Gloria Museum of Art, Austin, TX Juror- Walter Hopps
"Nude, Naked
and Unclothed", group exhibition, AIR Gallery, Austin, TX
"The August Seven", group exhibition, Dougherty Cultural Arts Center, Austin,
"Southwest '85", competition, Museum of Fine Arts, Sante Fe, NM Jurors- Linda
Cathcart, Ed Ruscha
"15th Annual Print and Drawing", competition, Minot State College, ND Juror-
Thom Seawell
Today", 6 person exhibition, Moming Dance and Art Center, Chicago,
"James W Johnson", solo exhibition, Penryn Gallery, Seattle, WA
"James W Johnson and Future Akins", 2 person exhibition, Artplace II, Oklahoma
City, OK
"James Johnson
and Future Akins", 2 person exhibition that was censored and never hung, Amarillo
Art Center, Amarillo, TX
"Cabo Frio International Print Biennial", competition that toured Brazil for
2 years
"First International
Armory Show", group exhibition, Fort Mason , San Francisco
"Prints Today, Holland- USA", organized by the Southern Graphics
Council, toured the Netherlands.
"James W Johnson", solo exhibition that was censored and removed Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX
"Boston Printmakers 34th National", competition, DeCordova Museum, Lincoln,
Jurors- Antonio Frasconi, William Katzive.
"Introductions", group exhibition, Harris Gallery, Houston, TX
"National Painting
and Drawing", competition, Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth,
MA, Juror- Kenworth Moffet
"3rd Annual Austin Contemporary Art Exhibition", competition, Dougherty Cultural
Arts Center, Austin, TX, Juror- Diane Vanderlip
"Prints and Drawings '81", competition, Second Street Gallery, Charlottesville,
VA, Juror- Harmony Hammond
"The Amarillo Competition", Amarillo Art Center, Juror- Charles Cowles
"Wesleyan International",
competition, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA Juror- Warrington Colescott, *
"Colorprint USA", competition, TTU, Lubbock, TX, Juror- Andrew Stasik
"Three Printmakers
in Texas", exhibition at Odessa College, Odessa, TX
"14th November Annual", competition, Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay, |