1906 55th st, Lubbock, TX
William Kerns' 2/11/07 Article in the Lubbock A-J about James W Johnson: Filmmaker found HERE
"The Cures for Love", Studio
Chenailles, 1999, short film, 16mm, location - NYC
actor, art dept.
"Daytouring", Studio
Chenailles, 2000, short film, 35mm, location - France
actor, art dept.
"Searching for Beauty", Studio
Chenailles, 2002, short film ,35mm, location - Costa Rica
actor, art dept.
"Freemeal", Studio
Chenailles, to be released, short film, 35mm, location - France
actor, art dept.
"My Gradiva", Studio
Chenailles, to be released, feature-length feature, 35mm, location - Russia
art dept. actor
- Created over 75 mini-DV/animation shorts with sound, music and acting/voice since
- James is also a founding member of the Flatland Film Festival and helps teach Filmmaking 1o1 at
the Louise H Underwood Center for the Arts in Lubbock.
Selected Screenings:
James W Johnson's MOVING PICTURES at LHUCA in Lubbock, 2/17/07
Selected Festivals:
"Light Plays Tricks", Kingston, Ontario, Canada 2001
"Unexplored", Vienna, Austria, 2001
"Dallas Videofest", Dallas, TX 2002
"Dallas Videofest", Dallas, TX 2003
"SXSW", Austin, TX 2003
"Snakebite Film Festival", San Antonio, TX 2003
"deadCENTER Film Festival", Oklahoma City, OK, 2003
"One Reel Film Festival", Seattle, WA, 2003
"Worldfest", Houston,
TX, 2004, **Platinum Award Winner**
"Dallas Videofest" Dallas, TX 2004
"Dallas Videofest" Dallas, TX 2005 (part of the travelling "Texas Show")
"20x2" panel at the 2006 SXSW Interactive Festival
"3rd Talent Circle Super Shorts Film Festival", London, touring the UK, 2006
"Dallas Videofest" Dallas, TX 2006 (part of the travelling "Texas Show")
Los Angeles International Short Film Festival, Sept, 2006
Nexgen TV Festival and Competition, 2006
"Dallas Videofest" Dallas, TX 2007
Maui Film Festival, 2007
Maryland Film Festival, 2007
International Festival of Cinema and Technology, 2007 world tour
St. George Short Film and Video Festival, New Brunswick, Canada, 2007
Selected Broadcast:
"Snack On Art",
BCAT, Brooklyn, NY 2001
"The Jack E Jett Show",
various US cities, produced in Dallas, TX, 2002-3
"The Claude Show",
suburban Chicago 2003-2006
Mountain Access TV", Vermont, 2004
" The Territory",
S.W.A.M.P. - Houston PBS, 2004
Screen TV ", - Orlando, Florida, 2006
www.jameswjohnson.com , continuing self-production
www.poemsthatgo.com , featured artist 2001, 2002
www.ifilm.com , featured
in 2001-7
www.cameraplanet.com , featured in 2002
youtube - keyword: jwjart
Selected Collaborative Video Experience:
"Wong Universal",
editing/cgi creation as a projected backdrop for Chris Caddel's stage production,
2000, Lubbock, TX
"Texas Tech University Theatre - 75 Years", editor/camera,
commissioned feature-length documentary with Chris Caddel, 2001
"Bellini's War", created 9 hours of commissioned video/cgi
backdrops for Steve Paxton's opera with Chris Caddel, 2001, Lubbock TX
"My Sweet Misery", co-producer and editor, feature-length video
with Chris Caddel, 2002
"A Bad Hand", camera/editor, video short, with various people,
"Aphrodisia", Studio
Chenailles, to be released, HD video feature, location - France set design/construction,
computer graphics, sound assistant, actor. 2002
"Texas Tech University College of Visual and Performing Arts",
camera/cgi/editor/co-director, commissioned promotional video short with Chris
Caddel, 2003
"The Dancing Detective", camera/editor/co-producer, commissioned
video short comedy with Chris Caddel, 2003
"The Sunsetters", Studio
Chenailles, to be released in 2005, HD video feature, location - Costa Rica,
art director, actor. 2003
"The Plant", co-director/editor of this 46 minute film produced by Filmmaking 1o1 in 2005
"Nuts and Bolts", director/editor of this 46 minute film produced by Filmmaking 1o1 in 2006